
Its ME

Welcome to my story and how it all started!

I've always been creative, embarking on many courses, from Patchwork & Quilting, Floristry, and even obtaining a Diploma in Garden Design.

In 2011 after a few stressful events in my life, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. I'd lost 2 stone in weight and battled with the disease. I changed my work pattern, eating routine and began drinking herbal tea. One day I discarded a Rooibos tea bag on my boiler.The following morning I noticed beautiful red tones on the canvas and immediately reached for my watercolours. This was the start of my very own personal art therapy!

Tests continued until Christmas 2018 and I stopped medication. My results were back to normal. I celebrated with a rooibos tea and a chinese take away!

During lockdown 2020 I diversified. I started to look at my natural surroundings and embarked on a new practice using an alternative photography process to produce unique prussian blue wonders called Cyanotypes and another beautiful process called Encaustic Wax. I now encorporate these two practices in my work.

Thank you for reading, Paula xx

If you suffer with Hyperthyroidism 'click here' - this link may help.

Follow along with my 'blog' posts opposite - 'Click' the picture for the full article and join in by expanding the comments area.

My rooibos tea bag left on the boiler!

My Rooibos Tea Bag Left On The Boiler

Welcome to my 'Blog' page

Garden Sculpture

I list topics that interests me here alongside details of any up and coming events where you can visit and see me.

It might be at a craft market stall or at an open studio near my home.

If you look at my latest blog, 28th February, I have listed all the places I will be exhibiting my work and my cyanotype workshops, that are held in Blakeney Village Hall in the Forest of Dean.

I hope you will join me,

Paula x

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National Tea Calendar Blog


British National Tea Day!